Five Differences Between Twitter and Threads

As you know Threads has been launched which is similar to Twitter, today we will know that there are five differences between Twitter and Threads which are only available on the app,

Is the newest addition to Meta’s family of apps. Threads has gained over 10 million users in just one day. Whereas Twitter took a long time to reach 10 million.

Twitter started about 16 years ago, at that time it was the only website, and while it gained its popularity in the same form while increasing the world of smartphones, it launched Android and iOS apps, while Threads is an app that is available on Android and iOS. Available on the iOS store that can be downloaded. Thread is a microblogging platform launched by the world’s largest social network platform Meta.

Five Differences Between Twitter and Threads

5 differences between Twitter and Threads

Users can make their followers from Instagram along with many other social media platforms.Users can also make their followers only from Twitter.
Can’t do private messaging in threads yetyou can private message on Twitter
Post up to 500 charactersNormal users can share 280 characters and BlueTick users can share 25 thousand character posts.
Can share 5 minutes video.You can share a video of 2 minutes and 20 seconds.
Threads is completely Ad-Free now.Twitter is not Ad-Free.

Account Sync

To log to Twitter one can log in with any email phone number and username it just borrows login information have an Instagram account to log to Threads so one can log in to Threads also anyone else There is no other way if you can’t delete threads without deleting Instagram

Price and Verification

Twitter came with a verification (blue tick) you don’t get any ads some other benefits of the blue tick include the verification of threads is transferred from Instagram so it is a blue tick while Twitter is a blue tick and more The advantage is that both the platforms charge almost equally, around Rs 799 per month.

Multimedia Post

Both platforms allow users to share photos, videos, and links. No charges are taken from users for posting on Threads. While a normal user on Twitter can read 600 posts for free per day and Blue Tick users can read 6 thousand. To read more tweets than this, the user has to charge extra.

Text Limit & Feed Curation

You can post up to 500 characters in threads. Whereas in Twitter, normal users can share 280 characters and BlueTick users can share 25,000 character posts. And you can share 5 minutes videos in threads. While you can share a video of 2 minutes and 20 seconds on Twitt


  1. What is Instagram Threads?

    Threads, launched on July 6, is a Twitter-like app that rivals Twitter and can use Instagram to log in.

  2. What’s Better Threads or Twitter?

    Twitter is by far the fastest medium to share news globally. It has a powerful search option, which lets you search trending news, keywords, people, hashtags, people, and usernames. In contrast, thread search is limited. This only lets you search for accounts

  3. What is the Use of Threads?

    software can work more effectively by handling multiple tasks at once thanks to threads. Threads can be used to perform complex tasks in the background without interrupting the main program.

  4. Who Owns Threads?

    Threads, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp are owned by parent company Meta.

  5. What is the Main Use of Thread?

    Through the simultaneous execution of several activities, threads improve program efficiency by enabling the execution of complex tasks without interfering with the main program.

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