How to use chat filters on WhatsApp

WhatsApp announced some new chat filters on April 17, 2024, which will help in Displaying easily accessible messages: All, Unread, and Groups. These three filters will be available to all users within a week, and in the following lines, we will provide detailed information about these features.

How to use chat filters on WhatsApp
How to use chat filters on WhatsApp

WhatsApp is used by billions of people worldwide. As a communication app for all users, WhatsApp has truly made our lives easier when communicating with family, and friends, or for official purposes. This also means that there are hundreds of chats/conversations in your WhatsApp. Sometimes, finding messages can be a bit challenging.

Understanding this, WhatsApp has launched new chat filters, Specifically for users with extensive contact lists. These filters will help users navigate their inboxes more easily.

WhatsApp stated, “Opening WhatsApp and finding the right conversation should be quick, easy, and simple. That’s why we are launching new chat filters.”

You can choose between three filters:

  1. All: Displays all your messages.
  2. Unread: Includes those messages that you’ve marked as unread or haven’t opened yet.
  3. Groups: Here, your group chats will be organized, making it easier for you to find them.
How to use chat filters on WhatsApp
How to use chat filters on WhatsApp

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