How to empower users for secure transactions? So that there is no fear of any kind and you remain safe.

UPI Fraud

UPI Fraud

UPI serves as an important platform for online payments, but the increase in digital transactions has led to an alarming rise in UPI fraud cases.

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Over 95,000 reported UPI fraud cases in financial year 2022-23 underline the urgent need for effective fraud management strategies.

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Common UPI fraud tactics include phishing, fraudulent sellers, screen monitoring apps, money mule schemes, SIM cloning, fake calls and malware attacks.

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Fraudsters disguise themselves as bank employees to extract sensitive information and gain access to victims' UPI applications and bank accounts

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Users can protect themselves by following RBI guidelines, exercising caution in payment requests and reporting unauthorized debits immediately.

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Users should be wary of connecting with fraudsters and exercise caution with the “money request” feature on UPI apps. royal

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Additional measures include avoiding opening unverified emails, avoiding using open Wi-Fi for banking, and monitoring bank messages for unusual activity.

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Banks and financial institutions should prioritize strong fraud management practices and leverage technology to ensure a secure digital banking experience for customers.

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