Everything You Need to Know About Gut Health and Care

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Culinary Uses

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The balance and diversity of bacteria in your gut plays a key role in determining the health of your microbiome, which impacts both physical and mental health.

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What is Gut Health?

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The intestine is the gastrointestinal system, consisting of the stomach, intestines, and colon, which functions to digest and absorb nutrients from food while eliminating waste.

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What is the Intestine Made Of?

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Prebiotic fibers, which are not present in all high-fiber foods, may specifically benefit our gut microbiome by serving as nutrition for the beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract.

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Eat More Fiber

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A diverse selection of foods on your plate, including fruits and vegetables, contributes to a more diverse microbiome, which serves as an indicator of a healthy gut microbial environment.

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Eat a Variety of Food

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Avoid ultra-processed foods to promote gut health and choose foods that are minimally processed and closest to their natural state.

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Avoid Ultra-Processed Foods

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Hydration helps break down food for better nutrient absorption, and adequate water intake increases the diversity of bacteria in the gut.

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Increase Water Intake

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Fermented foods undergo a process where sugars are broken down by yeast and bacteria, which is linked to digestive health and other benefits.

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Eat Fermented Foods

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