7 Ayurvedic ways to reduce belly fat thick

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Consider abhyanga, an Ayurvedic self-massage that uses warm oil to stimulate circulation, support detoxification, and promote relaxation.

Consider abhyanga, an Ayurvedic self-massage that uses warm oil to stimulate circulation, support detoxification, and promote relaxation.

Massage Therapy

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Consider periodically engaging in detoxification practices such as Panchakarma or simple home detoxification methods such as drinking warm water with lemon in the morning or using detoxifying herbs such as Triphala.

Ayurvedic Detoxification 

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Practice eating mindfully by listening to your body's hunger and fullness signals. Avoid overeating, especially heavy or rich food which can unbalance digestion.

Avoid Overeating 

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Drink plenty of warm or room temperature water throughout the day to flush out toxins and aid digestion.

Stay Hydrated 

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Include herbs like ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, cumin and black pepper in your diet. These herbs can aid digestion, boost metabolism, and help with weight management.

Ayurvedic Herbs 

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Make sure you get enough restful sleep every night as poor sleep can disrupt hormonal balance and metabolism, leading to weight gain.

Enough Sleep 

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