5 Impressive Health Benefits packed in cloves

Spice Spotlight

Clove, obtained from the flower buds of the clove tree, Syzygium aromaticum, serves as a versatile spice enhancing dishes, beverages and baked goods with its rich, warm flavor.

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Rich in antioxidants, especially eugenol, cloves have the ability to reduce oxidative stress.

Rich in Antioxidants 

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Laboratory experiments show that compounds found in cloves can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and induce apoptosis, or programmed cell death.

Can Kill Cancer Cell

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Research indicates that cloves may enhance oral health due to its antimicrobial properties, potentially helping to eliminate harmful bacteria.

Promotes Oral Health 

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Research conducted in test tubes and on animals suggests that compounds found in cloves may help stimulate insulin production and lower blood sugar levels.

Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

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