5 Hidden Tips to Improve Your Credit Score for Personal Loan

Credit Score Secret

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Financial institutions assess the creditworthiness of a borrower for a personal loan primarily on the basis of his credit score, which reflects past credit behavior and repayment capacity.

Image Credit: amazon.in

Ensure prompt payment of existing loan EMIs and credit card bills, which indicates responsible borrowing and has a significant impact on your credit score.

Timely Repayment


Maintain a credit utilization ratio below 30% by managing your credit limit judiciously, as a lower ratio has a positive impact and boosts your credit score.

Optimal Credit Utilization


Avoid making repeated loan or credit card applications within a short time frame, as this behavior may indicate credit hunger and adversely affect your credit score.

Avoid Quick Loan Applications


Promote a balanced mix of secured debt (e.g., home or vehicle loan) and unsecured debt (e.g., credit card or personal loan) to contribute positively to your credit score.

Balanced Secured and Unsecured Loans


Keep old credit cards and loans, as longevity on credit accounts has a positive impact on your credit score, emphasizing the importance of maintaining long-term credit relationships.

Protect Old Credit Lines
